Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Beat The Summer With Ayurveda’s Wisdom

The summers in India can take a heavy toll on the body. With humidity in the very high percentages, people tend to sweat a lot & this can be the primary reason for Dehydration.

Our body is made of 70% water. Environment plays an important role in maintaining our health. Due to excessive heat during summer, our body tends to dry up. This is Dehydration.

Instead of gulping down Carbonated Fizzy Drinks, Mother Nature has made ample provisions to ensure rehydration in the healthiest of ways. Fruits like Watermelon, Cucumber, Mango etc. can be best source of replenishing minerals, natural sugar & water, along with much needed fibre that ensure healthy bowel movements too.

Work & Stress: While the animals tend to reduce their workload in the summer, humans can’t do it. In fact, since the new Financial Year has just begun (April onwards) people usually wish to pick-up pace.

How to tell if you are Dehydrated: As a simple method, if you are feeling thirsty, Dehydration has already set in. The first signs of Borderline Dehydration include, Dry Tongue, Itchy or flaky skin. Sever signs of Dehydration are cramps or painful restless legs, headaches, burning during urination or even frequent Blackouts.

Ayurveda suggests to reduce your exposure to the Sun, especially the mid-day peak-in-the-sky sun. In case you find yourself travelling during such time, it is advised to carry a bottle of water mixed with a teaspoon of Sugar & a pinch of Salt. Mere water does not replenish the vital minerals & salts.

In case you do not have such water, then avoid Carbonated & Sweetened Cold-Drinks. These are actually counter-productive. Always try to have natural drinks like Coconut Water, Buttermilk. As a thumb rule, avoid any drinks which contain artificial sweeting agents like Sugar.

Just returned back from a Sunny workday? Never have cold water right away. Always wait for 15-20 minutes & then have slightly cool water. Fridge cold water completely messes the metabolism.

Feeling Drained? This is a sure-fire traditional method to feel energetic. Eat a few raw (non-fried) peanuts with Jaggery. This quickly dissipates energy within the body, without any side-effects. Summer Season is perhaps the deadliest of the seasons as people routinely fall sick due to heat, exhaustion & sun-strokes. However, what is even more threatening is the fact that these symptoms or occurrences are often neglected. One should be vigilant to notice the first signs of Dehydration & quickly replenish the body with vital nutrients.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

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