Thursday, February 23, 2012

Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science. The word Ayurveda literally means” The Science of Life”.

Ayurveda has 8 medical branches and hence is also named as Ashtang (Eight branches) Ayurveda. These eight branches are

1. Kayachikitsa – Medicine

2. Kaumarbhrutya – Pediatrics

3. Grahachikitsa – Psychosomatics

4. Shalakya tantra – ENT and Opthalmology

5. Shalya tantra – Surgery

6. Agad tantra – Toxicology

7. Rasayan tantra – Rejuvenation and cosmetics

8. Vaajikaran – Aphrodisiac and Sexology


Our human body is made up of ‘Dosha’ ‘Dhatu’ and ‘Malas’.

We have three doshas (Functional elements which carry out all the functions of our body like digestion voluntary and involuntary movements etc.). These three doshas are ‘Vaata’ ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’.

Each of these three doshas have specific functions to be carried out in the body. Their state of equilibrium is the secret for health and disturbed equilibrium causes diseases in the body both Physical and mental. Doshas have inherited qualities and thus the lifestyle and the dietary habits and the environmental factors which are in the accordance of these three doshas; they are disturbed. For e.g… Vaata has motion & thus excessive travelling or bodily motions increase the intensity of Vaata Doshas. Similarly spicy, hot food & hot-humid intensifies Pitta Dosha.

Dhatus are the structural elements of our body and are responsible for the shape and size of the body. We have seven dhatus namely 1) Rasa 2) Rakta 3) Mamsa 4)Meda 5)Asthi 6) Majja and 7)shukra. In the broader sense they are the tissues of our body.

Malas are the excretory products namely 1) Purish (stools/ faeces) 2) Mutra (Urine) 3) Sweda (Sweat)

As our blog develops we will see common ailments & their uncommon but easy to follow treatments. Do visit this Blog often to gain insights about Ayurveda & its deep-rooted implications on our health & well-being.


  1. Excellent, just what the doctor ordered.
    But whose blog is this?

  2. Looking forward to a new post, Dr., with a change of season.

  3. I just dropped by hoping for more food for thought.

  4. Yes... You will have new posts coming soon. Dr. Swapnil Bhanushali has finished renovating his clinic & we will soon bring new insightful posts.
    Stay Tuned.
