Sunday, August 26, 2012

Introduction to Vaat Dosha

We now know that our body is made up of 3 Doshas, namely Vaat, Pitta & Kapha; 7 Dhatus i.e. Rasa, Rakta Mansa Meda Asthi Majja & Shukra & 3 Malas namely Swed Mutra & Purish.

The disturbance in the equilibrium of any of these three Doshas is primarily responsible for experiencing discomfort. If these are not corrected, they lead to various diseases. We would like to mention that these 3 Doshas are not bad in their inherent nature as the name would suggest. ‘Dushyanti Eti Doshaha’ Only when these three functional elements (Vaat, Pitta & Kapha) are aggravated do they take on a sinister form & disturb the Dhatus (Dushy- The one who gets disturbed) & hence they are referred to as Doshas.
Let’s look at these Doshas one-by-one in detail


‘Tatra Va Gati, Gandhanayoriti Vaatha’ The one who can spread or move freely. Vaat is one of the most primary & potent of the three Doshas as it is destined to be mobile in nature. Whenever, its free movement is altered, the person is said to be suffering from Vaat Dosha.

Characteristics / Properties: The inherent qualities of Vaat Dosha are 1) Rukhsa (Dry) 2) Laghu (Light) 3) Sheet (Cold) 4) Khara (Rough) 5) Sukshma (Micro) & 6) Chala (Movement)

Birthplace in the Body: The origin of Vaat Dosha is Pakvashaya (Large Intestines). The role of large intestines is to absorb all the nutrients & fluids from the digested food after it has passed from Small Intestines & throw out the waste products. According to Ayurveda, the waste removal process is the one in which the digested food (received from smaller intestines) is segregated into fluids (urine - Kleyd) & semi-solid matter (stools - Purish). The fluids are then transferred to bladder & subsequently passed out. As for the semi-solids, they are simply passed out through the rectum (Guda). Vaat Dosha is the primary ‘force’ which makes the movement happen. The intestines are mere passageways.

Functions of Vaat Dosha: All voluntary & involuntary movements like breathing, heartbeat, removal of waste products, menstrual cycle, inducement of labour, the chief controller & influencer of mind & thoughts & movements It also influences all our senses like feeling of wellbeing & even hormonal & nervous co-ordination is affected & effected by Vaat Dosha.

In the next article we will see how the Vaat Dosha is disturbed & its manifestations, in & on our bodies.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science. The word Ayurveda literally means” The Science of Life”.

Ayurveda has 8 medical branches and hence is also named as Ashtang (Eight branches) Ayurveda. These eight branches are

1. Kayachikitsa – Medicine

2. Kaumarbhrutya – Pediatrics

3. Grahachikitsa – Psychosomatics

4. Shalakya tantra – ENT and Opthalmology

5. Shalya tantra – Surgery

6. Agad tantra – Toxicology

7. Rasayan tantra – Rejuvenation and cosmetics

8. Vaajikaran – Aphrodisiac and Sexology


Our human body is made up of ‘Dosha’ ‘Dhatu’ and ‘Malas’.

We have three doshas (Functional elements which carry out all the functions of our body like digestion voluntary and involuntary movements etc.). These three doshas are ‘Vaata’ ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’.

Each of these three doshas have specific functions to be carried out in the body. Their state of equilibrium is the secret for health and disturbed equilibrium causes diseases in the body both Physical and mental. Doshas have inherited qualities and thus the lifestyle and the dietary habits and the environmental factors which are in the accordance of these three doshas; they are disturbed. For e.g… Vaata has motion & thus excessive travelling or bodily motions increase the intensity of Vaata Doshas. Similarly spicy, hot food & hot-humid intensifies Pitta Dosha.

Dhatus are the structural elements of our body and are responsible for the shape and size of the body. We have seven dhatus namely 1) Rasa 2) Rakta 3) Mamsa 4)Meda 5)Asthi 6) Majja and 7)shukra. In the broader sense they are the tissues of our body.

Malas are the excretory products namely 1) Purish (stools/ faeces) 2) Mutra (Urine) 3) Sweda (Sweat)

As our blog develops we will see common ailments & their uncommon but easy to follow treatments. Do visit this Blog often to gain insights about Ayurveda & its deep-rooted implications on our health & well-being.